I leverage my rich experience, deep insight and knowledge to help businesses achieve growth and superior profitability. Top companies from all sectors of industry find that useful. I offer three services: consulting, executive education and mentoring.
I advise and assist firms to formulate and execute strategies for competitiveness. The advice is rarely prescriptive. Instead I help the senior management team leverage their insights sharpened by the use of tools, models and conceptual frameworks. The result of this participative endeavour is a strategy managers know as their own. They are able to select and target appropriate customer segments and position the firm distinctively in its market. They develop functional strategies that are consistent with the business strategy. Besides helping in effective execution, the participative approach enables the company build capability, management depth and leadership.
I make myself available to CEOs as a sounding board for their strategies. Often leaders and senior managers find it difficult to take an objective view of what they have crafted. Inability to spot weaknesses and inconsistencies can be fraught with grave risk. My experience and strong academic leanings give me the ability to help business leaders find and fix faults.
Besides helping clients formulate and execute competitive strategy, I offer the following services.
Strategy Audit
I study the firm’s current strategy, identify strengths and recommend areas of improvement.

Strategy Making
I guide, not prescribe to, the leadership to formulate the firm’s business and corporate strategies. I help them so the business(es) can compete sustainably for growth and profitability.
Organisation Design and Structure
Structure is not strategy. It facilitates execution and value delivery. Managers often rejig structure to achieve short-term goals but fail to align it with the firm’s strategy. I help firms design the organization for current and future realities.

Executive Education
In order to grow, it is necessary to learn. Senior managers are often hard pressed to find time to educate themselves. The boundaries of management knowledge are expanding rapidly. Therefore, from time to time I conduct open enrolment and custom management development programmes in the areas of strategy, strategic thinking and entrepreneurial leadership. Thousands of senior managers from several hundred companies all over India and abroad have attended my programmes.
I lay considerable emphasis on theoretical underpinnings. I use my experience to enliven ideas through appropriate industry examples and custom developed exercises and case studies, many of my own authorship.
Business Coaching
I provide managers the theoretical frameworks to improve their strategic thinking and performance. I train them to spot weaknesses and flaws in strategies and action plans. Equipped with new concepts that foster insight, they are able to uncover dormant knowledge of their businesses and use them to formulate effective strategies. They are able to search effectively for opportunities and solutions to business problems.
I help senior managers in cognitive (how to perceive and make sense) and meta-cognitive (mindful thinking) skills. It helps them improve their decision making and leadership. Deeper ranks of leadership help firms steer into the future with greater assurance and success.