Assignment: Formulate the entry strategy for a specific segment of the Indian market for a division of one of India’s largest information technology products and services companies
Client: $2 Bn Indian operations division of one of India’s largest information technology products and services companies.
Assignment: The client’s information technology hardware division had been focussed on the enterprise segment of the Indian market. New segments had emerged and were growing rapidly. The Client felt ill-prepared to address the new opportunities. The consulting assignment was to formulate the entry strategy for a specific segment of the Indian market.
Project: Carry out sub-segmentation of a specific rapidly growing market segment. Selecting and targeting one or more sub-segments, developing market entry strategy for them, and recommending sales transformation and customer engagement initiatives.
Services provided:
- Conducted a depth interview based qualitative market research of a sample of customers from the emerging market segment. Determined value drivers and mapped them to Client’s strengths and weaknesses.
- Based on the research and leveraging the insights of Client’s senior managers, developed a framework for sub-segmentation of the target market. Carried out segmentation and identified target sub-segments for Client to pursue. Wrote a report on sub-segmentation, strategy recommendations and presented it to the operating management team of the Division.
- Conducted a workshop for sales team to convey and embed sales strategy, how to identify and select customers belonging to the target sub-segments.
- Worked with sales management team to facilitate development of go-to-market strategy for the target sub-segments.
Read the case study Targeting High Growth Opportunity.